
We don't remember days; we remember moments

Looking back on the 23 years in my life, it's pretty long time and short compare to those who's more experienced and witnessed how the world changes longer than me.

Calulating how many days I've been living surprised me, it's around 8538 days til now. Even though it's just a number but somehow it made me start thinking. How many days of those 8538 days that made me really happy or unforgottable? This question could take me a month to think about, I am pretty sure there's no exactly a day that made me happy but the moments of day did. Our lives are full of moments, "days" are the frames of those moments. I tried to spend some time to write down those frames of my live-time...

Days in the field of Innocence

When we were little, like when we were babies or kids, we do not remember much on those "days", some random moments might flashed in head sometimes, I calle'em "Days in the field of Innocence". It's the very beginning time-frame of my life.

School Days

What comes next? Oh yea.. the "School Days", it's a frame about school, studies, learning how to be good and at the same time, I was learning how to be bad. In school, no matter it's primiary shool, secondary school or even university. The teachers taught me how should I behave and what I shall not to behave. As the results, I tried to behave on both, be a good person and a bad person. During those days, I do not remember much but some interesting moments.

The moment that I cried because I lost friends
The moment that I worked so hard on singing and studying to myself a good student
The moment that I did exactly the opposite from what my mom told me to
The moment that I screwed up in my study
The moment that I inspired by my teachers and thought that I found my way out but failed to reach it.
The moment that I thought about purpose of life and death

There are a lot more... but all I remember is moment, lots of moments and every moment could make a story. Maybe that's why it's amazing to think back about life, lots of pages about your life you're been written, but you don't remember everything, but in every chapter there's always some highlights, which are quite in details that you remember. These are the moments, both good and bad and all these become the most representing highlights in the chapters in your life.


Now, I am living my days randomly and unstably because I have different mood and experience every day. Those uncertainty and expected experiences create lots of moments in my life that generates different level of impact on me. My life in AIESEC... complicated and very very intensive experience. Lots of increditable and unforgottable moments happened during these 3 years. All I did was taking pictures but some important moments just couldn't described.. I am afraid that these moments will be faded away in my heard after years. And I know these moments should be remembered.. So starting from yesterday, I started filling in my emotion journey again, which is something I missed and hadn't been doing in the past 3 years. I started to make every moment to be worth it to be remembered.

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.

More days pass the more I understand about life, the more memories I have in head and the more stories I have.. and everytime.. I try to fly.
