Wow...finally it happened.
The starting point
On 12th Aug, right a few days before I left to IC 2007, we confirmed to drive this amazing event with support from SG and Think Tank..YES! We decided to go fot it. Before leaving to Turkey, I put this reposonsibility to Sandy, the acting MCP during that period to represent me to have meeting with Think Tank.. Thank you Sandy. Without you I do not think it would happen.
Storming the idea on a foreign land
In Turkey, Yuellis and I had quite a lot of meeting and discussion on how to make the dinner happen, reading through the input and questions raised by Think Tank, I was nervous and a bit lost as I found myself couldn't do much because I was not physically in HONG KONG and I made Sandy help me to sending the messages from me.
I felt heartache when I saw Sandy and Yuellis was up on Gmail to work on those things and waited for me to get online to ask me for clarification on some points, so she can have meeting with Think Tank..
Return to the Garden
On the flight retuning back to HONG KONG, I kept think about what should I do to the dinner and the theme of the dinner. I was so sick during the flight from Dubai to HONG KONG, I felt very sick and I kept fell asleep. It felt like I was between staying sober and dreaming, I thougth about the LC recruitment situtation, the 40th Anniversary Dinner, How to do IC Bring Back, NLDS 2007..... It wasn't a decent flight trip, however, somewhere somehow I got a picture in my mind, it's a Garden. The Garden with lots of tree and flower. It's so green and I could even smell the grass.
Not long after I back to HONG KONG, I had a meeting with my team and decide the theme for the dinner. I proposed to theme the dinner as "Welcome Back Garderners". After lots of discussion and selection, we finally chose it. Lots of effort put on researching the venue, price etc, we finally decided to hold it on 3rd Nov 2007.
Laughters and Challenges
It's the first time for me to engage alumni that is not from my home LC. I was nervous but somewhere very excited. I started to meet up with alumni from different LC, especially those MC/NC alumni, those ex-NCPs via e-mails, lunch and meeting. They are so nice and great! It's so enjoyable to talk to them and listen to their stories in their time in AIESEC. They don't know me, they questioned me but for the good sake. They encouraged me and showed me how much they care about AIESEC in HONG KONG. It kept me going and going...It made me laughed and felt energize.
At the same time, Yuellis was recruiting the OC team for the dinner, preparing the 1st draft and update of the celebration series.. thank you Yuellis =) It made us move forward and moved with a large step.
My first tear for the dinner
The first tear I cried for the dinner was the moment I realized I was totally out of capacity to manage Solar 2007 and also the 40th Dinner. The limited time made the LC find difficulties to invite alumni and MC Team didn't have much capacity to prepare the dinner. I was so frustrated. However, with the support from LCPs and MC, we decided to postpone the dinner to a more feasible timeline, we postponed to hold it in Dec.
Another round of crazy research and meeting
As the dinner was postponed, we had to search for another venue and think about how to manage the financial stuff. It was a painful but very interesting and meaningful time during the process. Meeting alumni, inviting external guests and confirming the venue and price and discussion with LCs and opinion leaders among alumni, I felt like I was a bit dizzy but knowing and understand a lot more about AIESEC and how people think about this organization. Its so motivated and at the same time, pressuring myself to drive better.
Final stage and getting ready
In the last month of preparation, quite a few of us was getting sick, Sandy, Yuellis..etc. I was a bit worring and I felt stressed. Solar 2007 just passed and the whole team was a bit exhausted becase of that. Cyrus was ouccpied for a whole month because of the LN day and AI ER Director visit. Bonida was busy with the exchange growth strategies and start preparing the SRB, finance Area stuff. Managers started to having mid-terms...
At the night of 17th Nov, I was looking at the bottle that I showed in Solar 2007, I read through the messages in the bottle again, it was thr 5th time I did that. The energy came back and I told myself I cannot give up and I want another drive and high time for AIESEC in HONG KONG.
LCs was doing their best to calling up alumni to invite them to the dinner. MC team did the same to callup alumni and invite MC/NC alumni. Think Tank members were helping out to link up people to join. Gary dedicated to be the moderator for the Alumni Chat. Everyone was on fire to drive and wanted to have many participants to join the dinner as we could.
It happened
on 1st Dec 2007. The Dinner finally happened, the work in the past 3 months paid off when I saw the alumni, new faces and old faces in the dinner. My MC babies, without you, I wouldn't be there.Without you, all of these things wouldn't happen. Without the supportive LCPs, we woulnd't have more than 150 people joined the dinner. Your work for the AIESEC in HONG KONG update was impressive and I appreciate what you have done to support the whole AIESEC in HONG KONG.
I am the one who always seek for the meaning of my existance, I don't know how much I mean to others and how much I mean to the organization. However, every single one of you, do mean a lot to me. It's your AIESEC, our AIESEC and our Future...
Every time we remember to say "thank you,"
we experience nothing less than heaven on earth.
Thank you, everyone of you. You made me experience the heaven on earth =)
we experience nothing less than heaven on earth.
Thank you, everyone of you. You made me experience the heaven on earth =)