
Still images and Moving Images

Movies, films and amines are made of still images. Technology makes it all happened. It's so amazing to record the little or big things that happen in life. Time passes without being recognized, how many moments in our lives could be captured?

Making a movie, the basic and original way is to take tons of Pictures and then play them one by one, during the process of playing these still images, we see movements that are how anime made, a moving image. Hm... e.g.


In AIESEC, when we talk about planning, we always talk about big picture or a vision. When I look at the relationship between still images and moving images, i was thinking... the anime is the picture that we want to build up, like a vision, say 2008, and then the still images are plans and steps. If the still images are not being taken little by little, detailed and carefully, the anime won’t be smooth when we play it. So to make a perfect smooth and lively anime, we need to take every still images carefully.

Planning is like making an anime. From zero to hero...

1. Firstly, thinking about what kind of anime that you want (Vision building)
2. Then do a briefly draft the frames for making the still images so we could see the procedure of making it. (Year Planning)
3. After that, we will start to work on a detail drafting, 1 second of anime is made of 24 frames, we need everything looks clear in every frame. (Action planning)
4. And then we start to take the still images step by step. (Implementation)
5. Put all still images in Flash and play and pre-view if the quality is good (Evaluation)
6. If no, we might need to start it again or delete some bad and blur images (Improving)
7. Finally, a great and smooth anime would be done (Achieving the vision)

Everything is starts from small things, who would ever knew that the pictures that we have in hands could make an awesome movie, reflecting human lives??

What I am doing every day is achieving a big big picture.
If it's a picture that told by a puzzle, then I am one of the thousands of puzzles.
If it's a picture that told by a movie, then I am one of the millions of frames.
If it's a picture that told by a novel, then I am one of the pages.

I'm part of it, this is my contribution though it's small… Still, I am there.
