
Information Management VS Knowledge Management

Today, in the HRM class, the professor asked me what are the differences between information management and knowledge management. Well good question..

I think information management is part of he knowledge management, knowledge should be supported by information, how about the rest of it? I think it comes with experience as well. We develop models, writing reports and keep copies of everything we make. Without description of process and suggestions ot recommendations, all of these things are information.

Well somehow its hard to define if it's information or knowledge, but i think knowledge is something implicit, something you can apply in similiar situation, it can help you to do decision making. Information is data, something factual and explicit. I study communication, always hear about encoding. Messages should be encoded to complete otherwise it's an imcomplete message. Well maybe information is un-encoded messages, those encoded information is knowledge.

A sudden reflection flashed in my mind during the lesson, how many so called KM things in AIESEC are actually knowledge? Are we managing information or really managing knowledge?
We kepe reports of every functions and keep the @XP, values blah blah blah for transition. Is it the only purpose of doing KM and the right way to do it? I doubt it.

Why we need KM, because knowledge is in people, people will leave the organization someday, the knowledge that they have would be gone as well. Normally we generate knowledge from information, like what sifus told me or left to me are the knowledge of them but when it comes to me, it turned out to be information cos they might be not appliable anymore. I have to internalized the information and then transform them to be my knowledge, something appliable that based on the past experience and current situation, thats knowledge.

Haha, well I feel like i dont know what i am talking about now, should go to bed.
