

Having lots of random thoughts about AIESEC recently. I randomly think about the past in AIESEC. I randomly think about what to do in AIESEC in the future and I randomly think about what am I doing in AIESEC.

Thoughts flashed in mind and hard t catch them all down one by one. Some of the random ideas are useful and could lead me think more well but some of them were quite weird and negative which confused me or de-motivated me.

Random thoughts don't have logic and not related to each other. Mangaing these random thoughts is a big challenge to me. I could have them when I was attending classes or when I was watching TV.

Being random is not good but not too bad, well I mean somehow it shows how sensitive you are toward things, once u hear or saw something, you got ideas flased in mind though it's not directly related to the thing you saw or heard. Creation, somehow is about random, being creative is about how to add meanings to random things to make them relevant.

Well I'm being random and talking to myself i guess.
