

Today, the topic of Multimedia Production course was about Lens-Based media, like photography, movies, snapshots etc any production that made through lens. During the lessons, Tim talked about "Frame" a lot cos almost all of the media production are formed by frames, like TV, movies, fotos, even newspaper etc, he's right, almost everything is in a frame.

Frame, what does frame mean to we human beings? The way we interpretate the world is shaped by frames. People take pictures to tell what they see or what they want others to see, so the content in that frame is created and shaped by human.

Interesting things to think about. Ssometimes we see things through our own perspectives, we choose to see what we want to see, and sometimes we see things through other's eyes, like the way they locate the content in fotos, movies and TV etc, thats how media show us the world.

Very very interesting... I was thinking, we people love taking pictures or recording clips because we want to capture a beautiful moment or things that we think it's meaningful. Even when we look at ourself in the mirror, we tend to pose in front of it and see how I should stand or pose to make myself look goof in that frame ( the mirror ), so some people love taking pics of their profiles or from some angles because they know how to show the best of them within a frame.
We build frames and see things from the frames built by others. Im imaging... how is it we all of us are carrying a frame with us in hands to live every day, well we dont have that visble frame in hands but an invisble one built in our brain and eyes already.

AIESEC talks about challenge your worldview, the rationel is to break through those frames, we see things from our own perspective or see things by the "fact " that framed by others. The reality supposed to be understood and interpreted by our own eyes than what we see in frames :)

It all make sense again!

1 則留言:

Sze May Mindy Ho 說...

Hey Beatrice, that's a good one. the idea of frame is actually kinda the same as the idea of "glasses" that your son Richard talked about when he tried to explain "Challenge World View". Frame = Glasses = Paradigm

I recalled a recent discussion of why exchange is so important to AIESECers concerning challenge world view. And I like this metaphor of frame - we all have frames, but the more different or intensive experience we have, the more our frames are being shaken and shattered.

In the end, the winner is the one who have more frames than others, so he or she can look at things from different frames and have different views.