

Today, the professor of the HRM course said that companies are no longer using benefits or salary to attract people when they do recruitment, but company's values and experience.

Experience, she used IBM as an example. When we clicked on the website of IBM, they have an area for recruitment. Not too many information about the job vacancies but more about company's values, like " life balance ", which shows how they care about their employees and not to treat them like working machinese. Also, they rather try to describe what kind of quality they are looking for in people rather than qualification. They even have introduction abouttheir training and development program for their crews. So their recruitment actually is more like a mixture of job opportunities and PR stuff. They built up good reputation and image of their company to attract talents and retente the employees they have.

Professor said that HR recruitment is no longer about money or benefits selling but experience.

It led me to think about @XP. AIESEC 's product and core work is no longer about Exchange but Experience. An alumni asked us " What are the similarities and differences between @XP and WinXP "in EGM. Good question, why experience, why not benefits, why not something tangible but something abstract. But, what is experience?

To me, experience is something personal and supposed to be very unique. No one would have excately the same experience. Experiences are being created not being provided. Experience is a combination of a series of elements. To me, it is..

Personality (A)+ external enviroment(B, C, D .......etc) = experience.
i.e. A+B+D = XP A , A+C+D= XP B ........etc

Sometimes it's personality leads people to some kind of external environment, like ambitious people tend to go for challenging enviroment, mild people tend to stay in their comfort zone etc. Sometimes it's external enviroment affected us to build up some kind of personality, like single parents family kids tend to be tougher than others. There's no absolute formula for all that but the things that we have been through in our lives are very different, so our experiences supposed to be unique.

Why experience is so important in our lives? I think... maybe because experience is something life-long lasting, it had a start but no end til we died. Experience can be created so we all tend to create a better life ( so a better experience ) thats why the way we create our experience is so important. As a result, organizational experience ( I made it up lol ) is being introduced or become a trend to be used in companies (i think... :P )

The differences between personal experience (PXP) and organizational experience (ORGP) is that, ORGXP normally comes with a framework, cos it's made for acheiving some strategic goals for an organization. If this concept is correct, then ORGXP is like:

A provider provide a framework for target audience with unpredictable external elements = unique Organizational experience.


  • Provider = Microsoft
  • Goal = To become the most user friendly system for retending and attracting as many users as they can.
  • Frame work = WinXP system / special function ( like you can set your computer back to specific date ) , WinXP Home / WinXP Profesisonal
  • Target audience = Users with different levels ( beginner / professionals )
  • Unpredictable external elements ( Virus / outdated function , so they have auto updates support and editional versions )

They are providing an XP that all users they have would be satisfied by this system, the experience that all user have would be quite depends on their interst, skills and needs to create their own experience with the system and company.

What about AIESEC?

  • Provider = AIESEC
  • Goals = To create more young leaders that have positive impact in society ( well in short, create change agents )
  • Frame work = 5 stages of AIESEC XP ( international exposure, leaderships skills, cultural sensitivies, practical skills etc different elements on different stages
  • Target audience = members
  • Unpredictable external elements = keep changing external enviroment ( issue based )

We are providing an experience that all members can choose how they want to be developed in AIESEC to be a leader. We dont plan for them but make and let them plan for themselves. We believe that the framework is the most effective way to acheive our goal so we want all members in AIESEC can follow the framework to create experiences by themselves.


Experience, amazing word to me. In chinese it's even more powerful-- " 經歷 ". Both words means you have to get through it with action and feel it by yrself, and very relevant to a self driven organization.

I love AIESEC and am willing to contribute a lot, because I like the idea of providing opportunities to people to create experiences. Experience is life changing and life-long lasting, has an beginning but no end, it keeps going and transforming in different way ( like from AIESEC to personal development or even to be an impact to society ).

Those who chose AIESEC, 有福了... well, damn long entry.
