
Challenge your World View

Had a nice chat with CK and Chan Alvin today, we shared about thoughts on some topics in AIESEC, like leaders, Challenge your world view and the fture of AIESEC Hong Kong.
Really enjoyed the dinner with them :)

Challenge your world view, it is the the first thing that all AIESEC members would experience once they joined AIESEC or being introduced AIESEC. However, it looks like Challenge your world view session or elements would be only inserted in the stage of introduction to AIESEC. Looking back on the time I had in AIESEC, i seldom found these moments, especially being a LC EB. I just focus on the the JD of the position and what I should had acheived and what should we executed rather than stop and think about what's going in the rest ofthe wrold.

Challenge your world view is something essential and should be included in all stages throughout the @XP. I think we missed something... It looks like Challenge your world viw has become one of the items on the checklist that we must do on the stage on introduction to AIESEC, somehow it alienated the meaning behind why we need to challenge member's world view. We are talking about developing Global Leaders, supposed all memebers should be opened to gain new perspectives and be sensitive to culture. Well but most of the memebers in AIESEC HK don't have the characaristic, even myself.

Also, we tend to be challenged but not to challenge others by voicing out our opinion. A leader should has their stand on different issues. It's too passive that we just keep challenging by facts and others but not to challenge others by our point of views, we have change this culture. Students in HK are so afraid of speaking out their opinion or expressing their ideas, it's one of the obstacles that we need to help them to get through and change by encouraging them to speak up.

One of the values of AIESEC is living diversity. The first step of living diversity is to voice out your opinion on things, somehow it's the process of challenging other's worldview, when you get feedback or response from others which is quite different from your perspective, then it's your turn to be challenged the world view.
It's how it goes. I hope to see more and more outspoken and active members in this year...

Wow... not well organized thoughts...awful.
