

Suddenly, found that things around us are so amazing and interesting, everything is about reverse.

We all are stressed on some point, in or out of AIESEC, in or out of school. We shout, we worry, we blame, we feel sad and we feel hopeless sometimes.


Looking at it with reverse view...

Stressed --> desserts

Yes.. after all, it's sweet like desserts and worth it.

Be positive and think things with another angle, things are not that bad we we thought.

Life is full of surprises and magic...

To my classmates, add oil with your hon pro!!

To my AIESEC friends, add oil with the work we have in hands!!

To myself, add oil with everything I have in life, I just live once!!

Enjoy every day :)

1 則留言:

Bene 說...

Stressed --> desserts
Haha, that's really cool! Never looked at it like that. Probably I should think a bit more reverse again like back in these rebel-times.